Preparing for 2012

Wrapping up the Year and Prepare for 2012

If you have not started your completion for 2011, now is the time to do it!   Prior to preparing and commencing the new year, acknowledge and complete 2011 to create the  space to start fresh for the upcoming year.  I had a conversation with a friend last night, where I was reminded:  A life worth living is a life planned.  We can actually design our lives based on what is important to us.  Writing down and getting clarity on what is important to you sets the guidelines to remain focused on what you want.

As 2011 comes to an end I feel compelled to assess the passing of the year and the initiation of the coming year 2012.  It must be done.   As I iterated, this process helps clear the path for the future.  Preparation is a life strategy.  Without preparation or giving thought to the past and the coming year, how does one know where they have been and the direction that one wants to go?  To design the life you want to live,  it is imperative to reflect on the past and take the lessons learned.  How does one do that? Ask the following questions and write down the responses:

What worked for me this past year? (note 3 – 5 acknowledgments of  your wins, accomplishments, lifestyle, activities, people you met – create an appreciation and acknowledgment list)

What did not work for me this past year? Look at 2 -3 challenges that brought forth lessons or disappointments.   I often do my best to avoid anything that may appear negative.  However, I learned that the darkness of disappointments and unmet expectations provides insights about myself.  It also brings light that shows me what I want or do not want.

What are you committed to “being” for 2012?  To “be” might perhaps include being generous, open, self expressed, loving, driven, and happy. (etc.)  This may not be so apparent.  Be courageous and act in spite of fear.

Look into the future….Christmas 2012 is approaching – what have you done this past year?  Who are you with?  What worked for you?  What did you do this past year that will make a difference for 2013?  Write down a clear picture of what your life is like at the end of the 2012.

Finally, what am I willing to do different for 2012 to accomplish what I want for me (personally), partner (significant other), and community (business, family, social communities)?  Write down 2 -3 action items for each of the areas of your life.

Remember to be kind and write it down.  This is not intended to become a laundry list of “to do” or a beating stick.  This is a mindful approach and guideline to designing the life you want to live.

I invite you to post what you are committed to for 2012.

Best wishes to everyone!  May you live a life full of love, joy, and prosperity.


Irma Romero


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